It's time to explore another splendid sci-fi universe with Star Wars: Empire at War. Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicle Posted about 4 years ago93 downloads Battle it out with your favorites across over one hundred new planets and wage an endless war of supremacy or balance to the Force. Who would win in faction fights across time? What if the Mandolorians had gone against the Rebellion? What if the old Federation could have matched its might with the later Empire? These battles and more are now possible with the unlocking of over ten different factions across Star Wars lore. Yodenmod 2017 Posted about 4 years ago309 downloads It brings a multitude of Star Trek factions into Star Wars: Empires at War, allowing you to finally battle it out between these juggernaut sci-fi legend franchises. Who would win in a fight between the war-hungry Klingons and the treacherous Empire? Could the Rebellion withstand the Romulans? These are questions you can explore yourself with this mod.

The Trek Wars Revival Posted about 4 years ago241 downloads This campaign will take you through new worlds and new battles, watching heroes rise and fall in a decades long battle born from the ashes of the Clone Wars. Go back to the beginnings of the Rebel Alliance and see the crusade which led to the battle for freedom against the Empire and its newfound power. In the wake of the Empire's rise, a spark ignites a flame which stands against the dark encompassing shadow of tyranny. Phoenix Rising Posted about 4 years ago41 downloads